Finding Chemperoh Falls

Jan 4 –  Our task for the day to find Chemperoh Waterfalls which was described as a difficult falls hidden in Janda Baik. Our previous attempt two weeks ago was thwart by rain because we had to do a river crossing. We rendezvous at the Shell Station in Gombak at 7.00 a.m. and as usual there were stragglers. By 7.45 am, most of us have arrived but we still had to wait for a first timer who couldn’t find the place.  Five cars proceeded to the Genting Sempah rest stop while one car continued waiting for the first timer. She finally arrived at 8.00 a.m. We then sped to Genting Sempah to join up with the rest only to be told that we have to wait for another car which was coming directly to meeting point.  So there we were, 32 adults gathering outside the Macdonald’s waiting for one person. The boys started some street dancing to pass time while one innovative lass opened up the boot of the car and stretched herself horizontally for a rest. The rest of with nothing to do, starting taking her pictures and soon she was in the center spot.

Hurray at last the 33rd trekker arrived at 9.00 a.m. and we get to start.

We then found out that our leader, Joe left her GPS at home and we had to go in blindly. Well, that would make the trek even more exciting. I took the lead and led the convoy of 7 cars to the point where we abandoned our attempt two weeks ago. Joe expressed that we will use the farm route instead of crossing the river where one of the locals told us to. So Leo led the way and we started trekking up a very steep farm trail.


After about 500 meters continues climb, Leo told us to turn back. He felt that it was not the way and one lady who had trekked from Gunung Nuang to Janda Baik told us of another trek where she had passed a waterfalls. We decied to use her way. So it back to the cars. We had to drive to another part of Janda Baik.


After parking our cars in the second stop, we did a river crossing and reached a lush farm land. One of the trekker then decided not to continue and told everyone, he wants to go home. His four  companions did not want to follow him so we will have to distribute his companions into the remaining vehicles for the return journey. Anyway, one abandonment ain’t gonna to spoil the journey. While the companions returned to the car to transfer their stuff to other vehicles, I took the opportunity to enjoy the beatiful farm scene. One group started trekking and left a trail of paper for the rest to follow.


I was really enjoying the fresh air and the scenery until I came to a fork. There was no paper trail. Harris, Sam and Diana was with me. Harris went ahead to check and returned to confirm there was no trail and advised to turn back.

We then turned back and finally found the paper trail in small fork which I had missed earlier. The trail is another climb through farm country. Soom we caught up with Joe who was the sweeper. She was surprised to see us as we were ahead of her. We trek about an hour through farms before we reached the edge of the jungle.


The trek through the jungle was pleasant as it provided us a more varied terrain and not to mention beautiful fauna and flora along the way like the beautiful wild ginger flower. We continued on the jungle trail for 45 minutes before we could hear the sound of rushing water. The last stretch was a steep down hill all the way to the river. Once we reached the river, we could see the waterfalls some 150 meters away. We waded through the river to reach the falls.


It was an exhilirating feeling as we have managed to reach our falls.


The most intersting characteristic of this falls is the giant red boulder at the bottom of the falls.

Well, it was another good workout for the day and another waterfalls conquered.

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9 Responses to Finding Chemperoh Falls

  1. gina says:

    Wah.. you guys are REALLY, REALLY into finding waterfalls huh? Haha! This is another good one!

  2. shorthorse says:

    Highlights of the trip: 1. The warm up hike uphill at the 1st false trail. 2. The tiger leech 3. Meeting a quirky character who claims there was ORGONE energy at the falls… ahahahahahahha!!!!!

  3. Pink Jeans says:

    Er…SH, sorry for being inorant but what is ORGONE energy? It is true however that the energy field is greater at the base of waterfalls due to increased numbers of negative ions. That’s why you feel invigorated. I think both of you have stumbled upon your elixir of youth-lah. Roar on Forties!

  4. asme says:

    Gina – We guys are not good in finding waterfalls, just follow people. hehehe.

    SH – What Orgone crap? I think that guy is a bit loose.

    PJ – It is not the eixir of youth. It is more the kaisuness of to do it before we can’t.

  5. penelope gan says:

    Asme, you need the old maps and a good compass. Been there some 6 years ago with a group of trekkers who are/were avid 4×4. We were led by the President of Backpackers Association Malaysia, a British guy who founded the Hash House Harriers in Malaysia and an ex- Leftenan.

    Missing those days myself … and of course I’ve put on quite a bit – don’t think I have the energy anymore.

    You should hike Bukit Kutu next if haven’t.

  6. asme says:

    Nowadays the GPS is slowly but surely taking over the old mas and compass. But I would prefer the real topo maps. Those are really nice to use.

    Don’t miss those days. Join us. The waterfalls treks are quite fun and not as tedious. Grace and I are 200 pounders so we would know. LOL.

    May check out Bukit Kutu in February.

  7. says:

    Hi we like your post very much, please come to to post your travel post here. thank you

  8. Rita says:


    Mind telling me where in janda baik is this waterfall. Did u guys drive pass the Umno training centre and drove straight to the end of the road? Locals say there’s a waterfall there too.. after much trekking of course. Might be the same one. Me and my friends are planning to go to janda baik soon. And would love to visit this waterfall. Thanks 🙂

  9. asme says:

    Rita, thanks for visiting my blog.

    I don’t recall any Umno training centre but we definitely drove to the end where we reached the farms. The trek is not easy to find and most of the locals will tell you that there is no such falls. One local intentionally gave us a wrong direction.

    We got our directions from an Indon.

    Can’t give you the exact details as I did not have a GPS then. Can try your luck.

    You can also check out other falls at the following:-

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